Project Details


La valutazione è stata effettuata da Springer Nature in accordo a quanto indicato al par. 8.1 del documento del Bando Roche per la Ricerca 2021, ovvero:

The submitted projects will be assessed and selected by an independent panel of experts under the administration of Springer Nature Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales (company number 00785998), whose registered office is at The Campus, 4 Crinan Street, London, United Kingdom, N1 9XW. This appointment guarantees the impartiality, detachment and transparency of the selection process. Roche shall not participate in any way in the choice of the reviewers, application review, or the selection of the grant-winning projects.

La classifica finale è stata elaborata da Springer Nature sulla base di quanto indicato al par. 8.2 del Bando Roche per la Ricerca 2021, ovvero:

Phase 3: Review of longlist
Each longlisted application shall be evaluated by at least two different panel members using a consistent set of evaluation criteria and a consistent scoring methodology. The score assigned by each panelist to the individual project will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
Research funded under the programme must contribute to knowledge of the field. Research proposals should explain the originality of the proposed research. This may include novel insights into the field of study or the development of novel techniques.

Potential impact
Research proposals should set out the importance of the contribution they will make. For example, the research may directly answer key questions, develop techniques to further probe crucial aspects of the field or address unmet challenges or opportunities. The ultimate aim of the scheme is to benefit society and patients though improved knowledge, tools and techniques to understand and address human health.

Scientific quality
Research Proposals must set out well-designed, robust studies using the most appropriate methodologies, equipment, data and analytical techniques to reach the stated objectives.

Quality of the applicant/team
The applicant (and other team members) must have the necessary skills and experience to carry out the research, both in terms of the science and the leadership of a research grant. This will be judged on the track record of the applicant(s) and the appropriateness of the host universities and institutes.

Value for money
The project budget must be clearly explained and will be judged on the appropriateness to deliver the proposed programme of research. This is not about costing the project as cheaply as possible, it is about showing why the requested resources are necessary and reassuring the panel that everything is in place to conduct the research and deliver on the objectives. The panel will also consider how the project will be managed to ensure the resources are deployed effectively.

Sulla base della classifica finale sono stati selezionati i 8 progetti vincitori dell'edizione 2021 del Bando.

Ricercatore Brunazzi Max
Posizione in classifica generale
Score totale
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